The 2019 Science and Faith Conference
In case you missed it, the Discovery Institute has published six videos from this year’s Science and Faith Conference from just a few months ago. Many prominent scientific names including Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Stephen Meyer covered the state of current research in the areas of cosmology, the origin of life, the fine-tuning of the universe, and Darwinian evolution. All of these men have done an exceptional job in using scientific principals to refute naturalistic theories; Meyer even uses Darwin’s own principal of inquiry to refute Darwinian Evolution. If your apologetics toolboxes need more scientific ammo, there are some great arguments here.
Those videos are available on YouTube here, or you can watch them below. Enjoy!
Stephen Meyer and Eric Metaxas discuss a variety of principals and topics including Newtonian reasoning, the Big Bang, the state of origin of life research, Darwinian processes verses observations, the origin and refinement of information in life, and more.
Eric Metaxas explains how the peculiar way information flows through and is retained within our culture leads to the adoption of false narratives founded on incorrect interpretations of scientific observations. He shows the resulting consequences that arise from the widespread adoption of those false narratives, and gives an example of how to combat them.
Stephen Meyer tackles a few of the many scientific concepts involved in the origin of the universe, shows the universe required a beginning, and covers the implications that derive from that finding.
Jay Richards talks about the many fine-tuned planetary and solar constraints that are required for life to exist and how the majority of those constraints are also constraints for the ability of to observe and study the universe.
James Tour covers the many biochemical and biophysical barriers that stand in the way of any origin of life scenarios while simultaneously contrasting them with the current corresponding published research.
Stephen Meyer discusses the limitations of Darwinian Evolution’s primary process and how it fails to explain the origins of the new, functional, genetic information required to build new organs, senses, or body plans; and also how the fossil record fails to show the diversification of life’s complexity through such a process.